Pollsters look at a few grains of sand

“Pollsters look at a few grains of sand instead of the entire beach. The only poll that matters is the one on November 3, 2020 – the entire beach if you will,” said Linda Trocine, chairwoman of the Republican Party in Seminole County, Florida to VOA.

Read full article here: https://www.voanews.com/usa/us-politics/trailing-polls-trump-resurrects-lone-warrior

Flag of Florida

Campaigns go virtual as they adapt Cornavirus

Linda Trocine, chairman of the Seminole County GOP, said virtual programs implemented by the RNC and the Trump campaign have been effective. But with her state opening up, Trocine said she was organizing a gathering, similar to drive-in churches or the recent boat parade of Trump supporters in South Florida, that would satisfy health concerns while still allowing for a public show of support for the president.

“I have a plan for an event in June that will respect social distancing and still get people together,” she said. “We’re adapting. We’re going to find away.”

Read the full article here: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/presidential-campaigns-staying-virtual-even-as-battleground-states-open-up

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