Seminole County on the Verge of Turning Blue?

Fox 35 ran this story, “Historically Republican Seminole County on verge of turning blue” on September 17, 2020. While Republican registrations have grown over 3,000 in the past 20 months, Democrat registrations have grown three times as fast. Again the Republican Party message is that to keep keep our great quality of life, #VoteRepublican and #KeepSeminoleRed. 
Orlando Fox 35

Seminole County Appears to Be a Toss Up

Pushing back on the Seminole Democrats gains in voter registrations, the SeminoleGOP says Seminole’s great quality of life is because of Republican leadership. Enthusiasm is on Republicans side because Seminole is Trump country. This, in a story by Wesh 2 News, “Seminole County appears to be toss-up in 2020 presidential election.” 
Wesh 2 News

How fast-growing Orlando Threatens Trump’s Reelection.

While not directly about Seminole County, but rather Orange County, the effects of Orange going from solid blue to deep blue is impacting us in Seminole
As the population swells in Orange, it’s also exporting Democrats to neighboring communities, like once-red Seminole County.“If you told me four years ago that Seminole would go blue, I would’ve laughed in your face. But it’s changing,” said Anthony Pedicini, a top Republican operative involved in state legislative races.“It’s spreading from Orlando into the surrounding areas. Just look at the highway system, it’s like a heart pumping blue blood in every direction from Orlando,” he said.Pedicini noted that Hispanic voters are not the ones driving the change in Seminole. “It’s suburban whites. We’re losing too many suburban women.”

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Historically red, this Orlando-area county is Florida’s surprising new battleground

Article from ABC News on Seminole Counties becoming more purple and less red. Highlights our counties changing demographics and the need for the GOP to do more outreach to NPA as well as new residences moving in.

For their part, Republicans in Seminole County remain confident in their ability to deliver the county to Trump for a second time.“Seminole is Trump country,” Linda Trocine, chair of the Seminole GOP, told ABC News in a text message. “His message of law and order resonates with suburban women, who decide the outcome of elections here.

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Flag of Florida

Trump Goes All in on Florida

“Each volunteer has their own reasons … whether it is respect for the American flag, appreciation of law enforcement, the promises kept in growing the economy, the promises kept in protecting American jobs, Opportunity Zones, support for [historically black colleges and universities], and most recently the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative,” Seminole County Republican Chairwoman Linda Trocine told The Hill. 

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Pollsters look at a few grains of sand

“Pollsters look at a few grains of sand instead of the entire beach. The only poll that matters is the one on November 3, 2020 – the entire beach if you will,” said Linda Trocine, chairwoman of the Republican Party in Seminole County, Florida to VOA.

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Flag of Florida

Campaigns go virtual as they adapt Cornavirus

Linda Trocine, chairman of the Seminole County GOP, said virtual programs implemented by the RNC and the Trump campaign have been effective. But with her state opening up, Trocine said she was organizing a gathering, similar to drive-in churches or the recent boat parade of Trump supporters in South Florida, that would satisfy health concerns while still allowing for a public show of support for the president.

“I have a plan for an event in June that will respect social distancing and still get people together,” she said. “We’re adapting. We’re going to find away.”

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Stephanie Murphy supports hoax

Rep Murphy (D) supports hoax impeachment

“Show your support for President Trump!” Seminole Republican Chair Linda Trocine wrote in a communique Tuesday to Seminole Republicans. “And let Congresswoman Murphy know that you do not support her and Speaker Pelosi on their Witch Hunt. Stop Impeachment. Stop the Madness.”

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Trump Day Dinner Fundraiser

Seminole County Republicans are celebrating an $82,000 fundraising period in the second quarter of 2019 and crediting the Trump Day Dinner they held in May featuring President Donald Trump‘s 2020 reelection Campaign Manager Brad Parscale.

“President Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign manager, Brad Parscale, who headlined the May 9 Trump Day Dinner for the Seminole GOP, attracted donors from all over the state of Florida and several other states to support us,” Linda Trocine, chairman of the Republican Party of Seminole County, declared after the party’s numbers were posted on the Seminole County Supervisor of Elections website. “This puts us in a superior position to make Seminole red again.”

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