Why Donald Trump is doing surprisingly well in Florida

Getting out and volunteer! It is making a big difference in getting people out to support Trump and Republicans down ballot! You can make a difference in this election, volunteer today.

On a sweltering Saturday afternoon, Joe Gruters and Linda Trocine, Republican party chairmen respectively for Florida and for Seminole County, were hunting for votes the old-fashioned way: by knocking on doors. Armed with an app that aggregates masses of voter and consumer data, they were targeting npas (no party affiliation) and persuadable Democrats in Lake Mary, a northern suburb of Orlando, and they were hitting their targets. A rangy, sandy-haired npa with a deep smoker’s voice handed the flyers back: “Don’t waste ‘em on me. I’m voting Republican straight down the ticket.” A Latino npa mowing his lawn enthused about President Donald Trump, as did a 50-ish Democrat watching a college football game in his garage. “We’re out there pounding the pavement every day,” says Mr Gruters. “We’ve knocked on more than 1.7m doors…while Joe Biden and his team are basically trying to win this campaign from their basements.”

Read full article here: https://www.economist.com/united-states/2020/10/03/why-donald-trump-is-doing-surprisingly-well-in-florida

Seminole County on the Verge of Turning Blue?

Fox 35 ran this story, “Historically Republican Seminole County on verge of turning blue” on September 17, 2020. While Republican registrations have grown over 3,000 in the past 20 months, Democrat registrations have grown three times as fast. Again the Republican Party message is that to keep keep our great quality of life, #VoteRepublican and #KeepSeminoleRed. 
Orlando Fox 35

Seminole County Appears to Be a Toss Up

Pushing back on the Seminole Democrats gains in voter registrations, the SeminoleGOP says Seminole’s great quality of life is because of Republican leadership. Enthusiasm is on Republicans side because Seminole is Trump country. This, in a story by Wesh 2 News, “Seminole County appears to be toss-up in 2020 presidential election.” 
Wesh 2 News

How fast-growing Orlando Threatens Trump’s Reelection.

While not directly about Seminole County, but rather Orange County, the effects of Orange going from solid blue to deep blue is impacting us in Seminole
As the population swells in Orange, it’s also exporting Democrats to neighboring communities, like once-red Seminole County.“If you told me four years ago that Seminole would go blue, I would’ve laughed in your face. But it’s changing,” said Anthony Pedicini, a top Republican operative involved in state legislative races.“It’s spreading from Orlando into the surrounding areas. Just look at the highway system, it’s like a heart pumping blue blood in every direction from Orlando,” he said.Pedicini noted that Hispanic voters are not the ones driving the change in Seminole. “It’s suburban whites. We’re losing too many suburban women.”

Read full article here: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/15/orlando-democratic-voters-trump-reelection-415526

Historically red, this Orlando-area county is Florida’s surprising new battleground

Article from ABC News on Seminole Counties becoming more purple and less red. Highlights our counties changing demographics and the need for the GOP to do more outreach to NPA as well as new residences moving in.

For their part, Republicans in Seminole County remain confident in their ability to deliver the county to Trump for a second time.“Seminole is Trump country,” Linda Trocine, chair of the Seminole GOP, told ABC News in a text message. “His message of law and order resonates with suburban women, who decide the outcome of elections here.

Read full article here: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/historically-red-orlando-area-county-floridas-surprising-battleground/story?id=72877774

RNC 2020 Convention

RNC 2020 Convention Day Four Land of Greatness Video Highlights

Day four of the RNC 2020 convention was a great kickoff with many dynamic speakers. Here are just a few of the speeches from day four.

Speakers List

  • President Donald Trump
  • Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson
  • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
  • U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (Ark.)
  • U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.)
  • U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (N.J.)
  • Ivanka Trump
  • Ja’Ron Smith
  • Ann Dorn
  • Debbie Flood
  • Rudy Giuliani
  • Franklin Graham
  • Alice Johnson
  • Wade Mayfield
  • Carl and Marsha Mueller
  • Dana White
RNC 2020 Convention

RNC 2020 Convention Day Three Land of Opportunity Video Highlights

Day three of the RNC 2020 convention was a great kickoff with many dynamic speakers. Here are just a few of the speeches from day three.


  • Vice President Mike Pence 
  • Second Lady Karen Pence
  • U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.)
  • U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst (Iowa)
  • South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem
  • U.S. Rep. Daniel Crenshaw (Texas)
  • U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (N.Y.)
  • U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin (N.Y.)
  • Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell
  • White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway
  • Keith Kellogg
  • Jack Brewer
  • Sister Dede Byrne
  • Madison Cawthorn
  • Scott Dane
  • Clarence Henderson
  • Ryan Holets
  • Michael McHale
  • Burgess Owens
  • Lara Trump
RNC 2020 Convention

RNC 2020 Convention Day Two Land of Promise Video Highlights

Day two of the RNC 2020 convention was a great kickoff with many dynamic speakers. Here are just a few of the speeches from day two.


  • First Lady Melania Trump
  • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
  • U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.)
  • Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds
  • Florida Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuñez
  • Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron
  • Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
  • Abby Johnson
  • Jason Joyce
  • Myron Lizer
  • Megan Pauley
  • Cris Peterson
  • John Peterson
  • Nicholas Sandmann
  • Eric Trump
  • Tiffany Trump
RNC 2020 Convention

RNC 2020 Convention Day One Land of Heros Video Highlights

Day one of the RNC 2020 convention was a great kickoff with many dynamic speakers. Here are just a few of the speeches from day one.

Full list of Speakers for night one

  • U.S. Sen.Tim Scott (S.C.)
  • U.S. Rep.Steve Scalise(La.)
  • U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (Fla.)
  • U.S. Rep.Jim Jordan (Ohio)
  • Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley 
  • RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel
  • Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones (D)
  • Amy Johnson Ford
  • Kimberly Guilfoyle
  • Natalie Harp
  • Charlie Kirk
  • Kim Klacik
  • Mark and Patricia McCloskey
  • Sean Parnell
  • Andrew Pollack
  • Donald Trump Jr. 
  • Tanya Weinreis
Orlando Sentinel

Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board Bias

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Yesterday morning Mike Lafferty, opinions editor for the Orlando Sentinel, published a piece entitled, “Sentinel endorsements are on the way – Here’s how and why we do them.” In the piece, Mr. Lafferty named the five Editorial Board members along with Columnist Scott Maxwell, as the group that will make the recommendations.

In response, I asked Mr. Lafferty in which political parties the six individuals are registered. While awaiting his response, a little bit of research into public records yielded that all six are either registered Democrats or registered with No Party Affiliation (NPA). Not one Republican among them!

You read that right: the Orlando Sentinel will be issuing endorsements without input from a single Republican.

Additional research of public records showed that the three members that are registered NPA live in Democrat households so not only do they not have any Republicans on the editorial board, these members seemingly don’t even have a Republican in their orbit.

As the Chairman of the Republican Party of Seminole County, I urge the Sentinel to balance the Board to give fair treatment to Republican candidates. Right now there are three NPAs and three Democrats. The Sentinel should add three Republicans to their Editorial Board for the purposes of endorsing candidates.

How else can they possibly have any credibility?

Linda Trocine, Ph.D.
Chairman, The Republican Party of Seminole County

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