Message from the Chairman

Fellow Patriots of Seminole County,

As we work to rebuild our Seminole County GOP community, my hope is that you will take an active role in our cause for individual rights, limited government, states’ rights, and the values the Republican Party has always stood for:  freedom, prosperity, and opportunity for all. 

Chairman Bruce Cherry

Today, these principles are under attack from the far-left who seek to expand government control over our lives and in every sector of our economy. We see the decline in our schools, the disruptions in our supply chains, and the threats to our personal choices, our religious freedoms, and free speech. Our country is on fire, and we need to be firefighters.

To win, we must grow the party and elect good Republicans up and down the ballot. We must focus on finding, vetting, and supporting Constitutional Conservatives. We will work hard to have those candidates elected to every level of office in Seminole County. We will fight for Election Integrity, and we will make certain that every precinct in Seminole County is properly represented and supported by SCREC.  

Community outreach is essential to grow the party. People must know the truth about Republicans — that we embrace all Americans from every walk of life, we are generous, and we want all people to be able to prosper in a free nation. We’re on a mission to engage more Republicans to get involved, especially young Republicans and new voters. We have a lot of work ahead, and we can’t do it alone. 

My pledge is to serve alongside you in the Seminole County community, at voter registration and volunteer events, fundraisers, and on the campaign trail so we Keep Seminole Red. We are committed to working with other Republican clubs in Seminole County. Their work is our work. 

On behalf of the Seminole County Executive Committee board, Vice Chair Kelly Shilson, Secretary Drake Wuertz, and our newly elected Treasurer, Keith Cleborne, I want to express our gratitude for our tireless volunteers, our active  members and donors for your continued support. 

We will work to keep our GOP community in Seminole County informed on local politics, news and legislative issues that matter to you and local volunteer events that you can support.

Now, let’s get to work. We have a country to save.

Bruce Cherry
Seminole County Republican Executive Committee

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