
Learn About The Seminole County Florida Republican Party Platform

The Republican Party of Seminole County envisions a prosperous and free Country as demonstrated by our commitment to the principles upon which our Nation was founded as set forth in the United States Constitution and the laws of the State of Florida. We believe in: 

  1. Promoting a prosperous economy through job creation and a commitment to reducing taxes;
  2. A responsible government that limits its own growth and waste;
  3. Energy independence as well as a focus on business innovation and technology;
  4. Strong national security and fostering individual liberty along with protecting the American family; and
  5. The principles of freedom, equality, and justice upon which the Republican Party and our Nation were founded.

The Platform of the Republican Party is a commitment to the guiding and enduring principles upon which the Republican Party of Seminole County was founded. The Platform focuses on the Party’s dedication to improving the economy, reducing crime, protecting senior citizens, limiting government, creating energy independence, strengthening national security, and protecting fundamental core values along with a common-sense approach to improving our Nation’s education, health care, and environment.


Understand the Issues

Seminole County Republican Party

Budget and Spending

American families work hard to balance their checkbooks and live within their means. Why shouldn’t the federal government do the same? Unless we drastically change Washington’s spending habits, our children and future generations of Americans will be crushed by an enormous national debt. It’s time to restore fiscal sanity and common sense to Washington.

Family Values

The family is the bedrock of our nation. When American families flourish, so too does our country. Our Party’s economic and social policies, including tax reform, education, health care, and the sanctity of life, should always promote and strengthen that most sacred bond.


Our country was founded on the promise of individual liberty. And as Republicans, we firmly believe in conserving and fighting for those sacred liberties outlined in the Bill of Rights. Unfortunately today, many of our freedoms, including our religious liberties, freedom of speech, and right to bear arms, are under assault. Our Party will always fight on the side of our Constitution. 

Foreign Relations

The United States must promote democracy abroad. American values are under attack by foreign enemies, and we believe the government, especially the State Department, must defend our ideals. Republicans desire an assertive Administration that does not forfeit our principles and provides  unequivocal support to Israel and our allies abroad.


Central to our economic agenda is a commitment to revive jobs and industry here in the United States. We want to make it easier for businesses to open up in America, and to encourage, not punish, American innovators. We also believe in cutting taxes for hardworking American families as well as a smarter, simpler tax code that gives you more control over your own money.

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