VOA Screen Grab

Trump Counting on His Base to Deliver in 2020

The volunteers focus on outreach, aiming to secure votes for 2020. Their leader is Linda Trocine, Chairman of the Republican Party of Seminole County.

An engineer by training who now works in real estate and a life-long Republican, Trocine, like many in her team, supports the president’s economic and immigration policies and believes that only Trump delivers because as a businessman he has seen the effect of bad policies.

“He’s the most pro American president we’ve had since Ronald Reagan,” Trocine said.

Trocine’s passion for Trump is emblematic of his hard-core true believers. Many are motivated by perceived attacks on their values and American way of life, and the believe that Trump is the only one strong enough to stand up and protect them.

Read more here: https://www.voanews.com/usa/trump-counting-his-base-deliver-2020

Trump Kicks off 2020 bid in Central Florida

Linda Trocine, chairman of the Republican Party of Seminole County, one of the most densely populated suburbs of Orlando, leads a team of Trump volunteers in the area. She explained how the I-4 corridor is the swing part of the state and decides how the state will vote.

Trocine said that 2020 is different than 2016 because now there is “complete unity.”

“We have unity at the Republican National Committee level, at the Republican Party of Florida level, and here locally in Seminole County,” she said.

Read more here: https://www.voanews.com/usa/us-politics/trump-kicks-2020-bid-swing-state-fueled-poll-defying-victory

Trump trades freewheeling campaign for sophisticated establishment operation

“The most important thing is how unified the party is right now. We know who our candidate is, we all love and support President Trump,” Linda Trocine, chairman the Seminole County Republican Party in Florida, told the Washington Examiner as she waited in line for the rally. “It was a little chaotic, I suppose, last time. This time, we’re systematic, organized, working together, partnering, all these different groups. Everybody knows each other.”

Read more here: https://forum.huskermax.com/threads/things-are-escalating-in-kenosha.118660/page-3#post-4521028

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