Orlando Sentinel

Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board Bias

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Yesterday morning Mike Lafferty, opinions editor for the Orlando Sentinel, published a piece entitled, “Sentinel endorsements are on the way – Here’s how and why we do them.” In the piece, Mr. Lafferty named the five Editorial Board members along with Columnist Scott Maxwell, as the group that will make the recommendations.

In response, I asked Mr. Lafferty in which political parties the six individuals are registered. While awaiting his response, a little bit of research into public records yielded that all six are either registered Democrats or registered with No Party Affiliation (NPA). Not one Republican among them!

You read that right: the Orlando Sentinel will be issuing endorsements without input from a single Republican.

Additional research of public records showed that the three members that are registered NPA live in Democrat households so not only do they not have any Republicans on the editorial board, these members seemingly don’t even have a Republican in their orbit.

As the Chairman of the Republican Party of Seminole County, I urge the Sentinel to balance the Board to give fair treatment to Republican candidates. Right now there are three NPAs and three Democrats. The Sentinel should add three Republicans to their Editorial Board for the purposes of endorsing candidates.

How else can they possibly have any credibility?

Linda Trocine, Ph.D.
Chairman, The Republican Party of Seminole County

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Flag of Florida

Trump Goes All in on Florida

“Each volunteer has their own reasons … whether it is respect for the American flag, appreciation of law enforcement, the promises kept in growing the economy, the promises kept in protecting American jobs, Opportunity Zones, support for [historically black colleges and universities], and most recently the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative,” Seminole County Republican Chairwoman Linda Trocine told The Hill. 

Read full article here: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/508804-trump-goes-all-in-on-florida

Pollsters look at a few grains of sand

“Pollsters look at a few grains of sand instead of the entire beach. The only poll that matters is the one on November 3, 2020 – the entire beach if you will,” said Linda Trocine, chairwoman of the Republican Party in Seminole County, Florida to VOA.

Read full article here: https://www.voanews.com/usa/us-politics/trailing-polls-trump-resurrects-lone-warrior

Flag of Florida

Campaigns go virtual as they adapt Cornavirus

Linda Trocine, chairman of the Seminole County GOP, said virtual programs implemented by the RNC and the Trump campaign have been effective. But with her state opening up, Trocine said she was organizing a gathering, similar to drive-in churches or the recent boat parade of Trump supporters in South Florida, that would satisfy health concerns while still allowing for a public show of support for the president.

“I have a plan for an event in June that will respect social distancing and still get people together,” she said. “We’re adapting. We’re going to find away.”

Read the full article here: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/presidential-campaigns-staying-virtual-even-as-battleground-states-open-up

Governor Ron DeSantis Covid-19 Response

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The following letter was submitted to the Editor of the Orlando Sentinel, who chose not to publish it.

March 26, 2020

Governor Ron DeSantis is operating under an impossible situation and is leading incredibly well. In such times it is wise to fully support the Governor and to not second guess him.

The Governor is doing the best possible job with the advisors he has and the speed at which he has to make decisions.

On a regular basis, the Governor is interacting with his own emergency response team, with the other 49 Governors, with the White House Coronavirus Task Force, with County emergency managers, City mayors and County leaders, with private sector business leaders within Florida, and of course with all Floridians.

Governor DeSantis continues to regularly inform the public on what is known, what is unknown, and what Floridians can do to help our State weather the crisis. He has been a calm, steady, and strong leader throughout. He has demonstrated trust and faith in Floridians to be responsible and self-reliant. After all, Floridians are accustomed to hunkering down, preparing for days of being offline and at home, and making due every hurricane season. He knows us and what we are capable of.

Governor DeSantis believes in Floridians.

Here in Seminole County, Dr. Todd Husty, Seminole County’s emergency medical director, recently shared how well Seminole’s residents are complying. In an interview with WESH 2 News, he said the steps the Governor has taken have been excellent. Dr. Husty expected that by now Florida would have far more cases. This is a testament to the leadership and efforts of Governor DeSantis, which have delayed the onset of an overwhelming number of cases at once. Dr. Husty said local medical facilities and hospitals now have time to resupply their stocks of ventilators and PPE.

There is no doubt that this extra time to prepare has been critically valuable in saving lives.

And the Governor is navigating a State where 20 Counties, as of this writing, still have zero cases while three Counties have more than 50% of the State’s cases. In light of that variability, it makes sense for each County to make decisions on the ground based on their specific circumstances.

Each County’s needs are unique and the Governor respects local government’s domain on local emergency management.

Also in Seminole County, Alan Harris, Chief Administrator of the Seminole County Office of Emergency Management has taken numerous preventive and preemptive steps to protect Seminole’s citizens. He pointed out that Seminole County residents are doing an excellent job of self-distancing, self-isolating, and minimally congregating. And “to date, we have heard of none of the types of issues [other Counties are having that would require a shelter-in-place order.]” He further elaborates, “Each County must make a decision based on information gathered by law enforcement, fire/rescue, and those in the field.” In other words, Seminole County’s leaders are making data-based decisions, not herd-mentality ones.

Governor DeSantis understands and respects that distributed decision making is more effective, safer, and more respectful of Floridians. He continues to lead the State through this challenging time with a calm, measured, and balanced approach. And he deserves Floridians’ support throughout.

— Linda Trocine, Ph.D.

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300 Wilshire Blvd
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The Republican Party of Seminole County is suspending social events for 30 days.

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Yesterday, March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Coronavirus a pandemic.

(Note: coronavirus is officially known as COVID-19 and was previously referred to as the Wuhau virus; it’s also known as the novel coronavirus).

President Trump’s actions regarding Coronavirus have saved American lives. The strategy he is employing is recommended by epidemiologists to slow the spread of the disease, which prevents overwhelming of the medical system, which will save American lives. (See #FlattenTheCurve).

Here is a timeline of the virus and the Trump Administration’s actions:

– January 7 the virus was first identified by China

– January 31 President Trump declared a public health emergency and the Trump Administration enacted mandatory quarantine on military bases of travelers to the US from China

– February 2 the Trump Administration enacted a travel ban of travelers from China

– February 27 the Coronavirus Task Force, led by Vice President Mike Pence was established

– February 29 travel bans were extended for travelers from Italy, South Korea, and Iran and the FDA cut regulations allowing more rapid testing capacity

– March 2 the President met with pharmaceutical executives to discuss treatment options and vaccination plans

– March 3 the CDC lifted all restrictions on testing

– March 6 the President signed an $8.3 Billion emergency spending package

– March 10, after meeting with the President, the insurance industry agreed to waive copayments for patients seeking testing and treatment of coronavirus

– March 11 the President met with banking executives on economic impact and tax relief and extended a 30 day travel ban of travelers from all of Europe excluding the U.K.

Meanwhile here in Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis has taken the following steps to protect Floridians.

– Cancelled all non-essential travel of state employees and asked them to work from home

– Purchased an additional 2,500 testing kits to distribute to hospitals

– Asked that cities and counties cancel or postpone mass gatherings for the next 30 days and to screen attendees at mass gatherings to prevent people that may have the virus from entering

– Signed an executive order prohibiting visitors to assisted living facilities and nursing homes

– Activated the Florida National Guard

As of March 11 there were 29 cases in Florida and 2 deaths. Almost all of these were from people who had traveled elsewhere and returned to Florida. A few have unknown origin. And of course we keep hearing that it’s highly contagious, airborne, and can remain virulent on surfaces for days, while its incubation period is about 5 days on average.

– All Florida state universities are moving to online classes as soon as possible to reduce student gatherings.

– The Tamba Bay Times has published a list of dozens of events that have been cancelled or postponed.

– Florida’s Department of Corrections is prohibiting visits.

– The VA hospital in Orlando is screening everyone that enters the facility.

– In today’s news a 68 year old male that recently traveled elsewhere has tested positive here in Seminole County (at an Advent Health facility in Altamonte Springs)

– A man from New York that attended Bike Week in Daytona has tested positive

– Several new cases have shown up on the west coast of Florida and Pasco County has declared a state of emergency

Seminole County Republican News:
– Glenn Weiner, President of the Republicans for Israel Club, has cancelled his Club’s April 2 meeting.

– Yesterday, at the request of the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF), I sought input from the SCREC Executive Board (Seminole County Republican Executive Committee) about whether to cancel our March 19 meeting.

– I have been in contact with several other County REC chairmen around the state about their plans to proceed or cancel Republican meetings. As of today Broward and Palm Beach counties have cancelled their next REC meetings.

Members of Seminole County’s Republican Executive Committee, who are medical doctors, have asked me to consider cancelling the Party’s March 19 meeting based on their knowledge and expertise.

Based on everything coming from the President, the Governor, the news today of a Seminole case, WHO and CDC guidelines, and input from Republican colleagues, local medical professionals, and others, I have decided to cancel the March 19 Republican Executive Committee meeting.

Until otherwise noted, we will have our next meeting April 16 with the same program, subject to the availability of our speakers.

Chairman, Republican Party of Seminole County

P.S. For the next 30 days all Republican Party events hosted by the The Republican Party of Seminole County are postponed or cancelled

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P.P.S. Donors! We need you now more than ever to reach voters. Is winning elections this November worth $20.20 per month to you?

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300 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 220
Casselberry, Florida 32707
(407) 261-9949

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Stephanie Murphy supports hoax

Rep Murphy (D) supports hoax impeachment

“Show your support for President Trump!” Seminole Republican Chair Linda Trocine wrote in a communique Tuesday to Seminole Republicans. “And let Congresswoman Murphy know that you do not support her and Speaker Pelosi on their Witch Hunt. Stop Impeachment. Stop the Madness.”

Read the full article here: https://floridapolitics.com/archives/307791-joe-gruters-bringing-stop-impeachment-effort-to-stephanie-murphy

Trump Day Dinner Fundraiser

Seminole County Republicans are celebrating an $82,000 fundraising period in the second quarter of 2019 and crediting the Trump Day Dinner they held in May featuring President Donald Trump‘s 2020 reelection Campaign Manager Brad Parscale.

“President Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign manager, Brad Parscale, who headlined the May 9 Trump Day Dinner for the Seminole GOP, attracted donors from all over the state of Florida and several other states to support us,” Linda Trocine, chairman of the Republican Party of Seminole County, declared after the party’s numbers were posted on the Seminole County Supervisor of Elections website. “This puts us in a superior position to make Seminole red again.”

Read more here: https://floridapolitics.com/archives/300902-seminole-republicans-rake-in-from-brad-parscale-visit

VOA Screen Grab

Trump Counting on His Base to Deliver in 2020

The volunteers focus on outreach, aiming to secure votes for 2020. Their leader is Linda Trocine, Chairman of the Republican Party of Seminole County.

An engineer by training who now works in real estate and a life-long Republican, Trocine, like many in her team, supports the president’s economic and immigration policies and believes that only Trump delivers because as a businessman he has seen the effect of bad policies.

“He’s the most pro American president we’ve had since Ronald Reagan,” Trocine said.

Trocine’s passion for Trump is emblematic of his hard-core true believers. Many are motivated by perceived attacks on their values and American way of life, and the believe that Trump is the only one strong enough to stand up and protect them.

Read more here: https://www.voanews.com/usa/trump-counting-his-base-deliver-2020

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